Friday, June 25, 2010

Well... Today is Friday and still no babies.... ugggggggggghhhhhhhh... what happened you mite ask.... Well the state could not find our address in the state system... they thought it was a po box... huh go figure. Anyways after lots and i mean lots of prayers we finally got our state number for our apartment.... soooo we well be getting the kiddos on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.... who know...

Monday, June 21, 2010

"TUESDAY JUNE 22ND IS THE DAY!!!!!!! hahahaha... maybe"

Well according to Arrow we will be getting our babies tomorrow. Not last Thursday like they told us a week ago and not last Friday like they told us just days after that.Tuesday is what they said on Friday... we will see..

This is the biggest roller coaster ride I have ever been on, and my life is not rainbows and butterflies by all means. I am very very hopeful that Tuesday is the day that our little family will double. Yes... I said DOUBLE!!!!

We are getting a little girl who just turn 2 in May and a little boy who is 7 months old. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father wants us to raise these 2 angels... but man... what I'm I going to do with 2 kids... Daycare is going to kill us like 1200 bucks a month....ughhh... and I am the bread winner.... so I cant stay home and Ruben does not know if he could make it being a stay at home daddy( I'm sure he could do it... but his brother would give him crap)

I'm a little scared.. I have never spent more than 48 hours with a child under the age of 1. I am also not a big fan of little babies... my really good friend from church has a 2 month old.... that little baby makes me cringe very time she cries... Hopefully 7 month old babies don't cry like that(lol... I know they cry)
I hope they come tomorrow....

Oh by the way there names will be Elijah Helaman(ruben's brothers middle name) and Amaya Danielle (my sister's middle name)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

waiting.... waiting somemore

Ok.... ok... adopting from the state.... man... I have never had to deal with some much stuff before in my life. OK they tell us 2 weeks on April 2nd...... Here it is the middle of May and still nothing. Our adoption guy... Mr. G told me yesterday that the kid we picked oout we wont get because he is to far away and it will take about a year for his paperwork. So.... now he is going to send us info on more kids.... but we will have to wait months in order to get a kid..... I'm soooo sick of waiting I wish there was something we could do to make this go by faster.. I wish I was a millionaire.. I would go adopt a baby from someplace... money talks i could get a kid tomorrow.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

We are Done!!!!

We are finally done with the homestudy, paperwork, and other stuff we must do in order to get this adoption rolling.... We should have our baby/toddler no later than the beginning of May, but hopefully soon than that. We do have a little boy picked out. Our adoption coordinator says that we should be able to get him.... But then he shows me millions of pictures of babies needing to be adopted(ok not millions.. it was like 15) I was a wreck that night and next 2 days... I sobbed for these babies!!!

Anyway the little boy that we want is 2 years old, has dark hair, dark eyes and a sweet smile.... I love him already!!!!
But We will leave it in Heavenly Fathers hands, he is the one would who knows who will be part of our forever family

My sister

OMG.... my sister is going to have another baby!!!! I'm happy that there will be another sweet baby in the family but this girl needs to go an IUD or something. She is a great mother but she has trouble trying to take care on the baby she has.

She also made me mad today because she is getting blood work done to see if the baby will have any issues... if it does she said she will "take care of it" ugggggggggghhhhhhhh

That girl.... there are tons of people who would adopt a child that has some type of disability.... We would be more than willing to adopt a baby with a disability... but whatever.....


Sunday, February 21, 2010

More Adoption

Well the room is done..!!!! Yea, I still want a couple more things, but we can now get our home study done!! We still need to go get TB test done and I need to get some paperwork from Harris county... maybe by March we can get everything together. It is just a pain in the butt... next time we are getting infertility treatments... IVF only cost 12,000.. we could save... maybe... but I may not even need IVF treatments... just some good drugs

We have pick out a couple of names
Boy names Girl names
Elijah Helaman (Jacob's middle name) Mariah Nicole ( my middle name)
Jarom Omar (Ruben's middle name) Marissa Ann (both of our mom's middle names)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Here we go dancing....

Ok well we have made it. We are done with almost all the adoption class we have to take in order to adopt a baby... woooosh!!!! I'm soooo glad that is done only 3 more days of driving to Spring right after work ... now we have to have a Fire Marshall come in, make sure things are ok..... Set up the babies room... (thanks Irene for the bed). Why why must one do all these things.... Any one can become a parent... and those who really really want to can't.... they have to go through tons of hoops in just get one baby... I can't wait until this is over and little baby Gonzales comes home!!!!